Did you know regular well child visits are one of the most important things you can do to keep your child healthy? Well child visits also provide you with the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your child’s health.
Your child should have a well child visit at the intervals listed below. We recommend that you call our office in advance to schedule an appointment with your child's primary care provider on the date that best fits your needs.
Congratulations! Your baby is finally here. Newborns are wonderful, but exhausting! Having friends or family around to provide extra help and support can be very helpful. Make sure all visitors wash their hands well. Your baby’s first visit to our office takes place during his or her first week of life, usually 1-2 days after you are discharged from the hospital.
We do a lot at this visit, including:
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The 2 Week Visit (sooner if you have concerns!) is a time to talk about how your family is acclimating to the newest addition. Feeding, bowel habits and sleeping are common topics. If you are breastfeeding, we are happy to recommend Lactation Consultants for personalized breastfeeding assistance.
By 2 weeks of age, your baby will likely have regained his or her birth weight. Please remember that it is important to always put your baby to sleep on his or her back in a flat, firm and separate sleep space to reduce the risk of SIDS. As always, we are here to answer questions and offer anticipatory guidance.
We do a lot at this visit, including:
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At this visit we will discuss feeding, sleeping, and bowel habits as they are common concerns. We will track your baby's growth and development and answer any questions.
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We do a lot at this visit, including:
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Your baby is becoming more active and verbal. Be careful not to leave your baby unattended, especially on a bed, couch or counter. They move faster than you think!
Babies need only breast milk or iron fortified formula for the first 4-6 months of life. We will talk at this appointment about the appropriate time to introduce solid foods and what foods to introduce first.
At this visit we will:
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Your baby will begin to move more and will be able to sit up independently for short periods of time. Now is the time to start baby-proofing your house - if you haven't already done so. You should move the mattress in your baby's crib down to the lowest level.
At this visit we will:
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Your baby may be starting to crawl, pulling to a stand and cruising on furniture. Babies will want to touch everything - this is how they learn. This is a messy time! Have fun and be patient.
At this visit we will:
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At this age, your baby can transition from breast milk or formula to cow’s milk (or alternative, dairy-free milk). However, it is healthy to continue breast milk, if that is what you prefer, for your baby. Most babies need 3 meals, 2-3 snacks per day, and no more than 20 ounces of whole cow's milk per day. Your baby will be able to eat many of the foods you eat, but be careful to avoid small, hard foods that can cause choking.
Your baby will be outgrowing the infant carrier car seat. Continue to have your baby in a rear facing car seat until age 2.
At this visit we will:
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Your child may be able to climb and run, so be sure to safety proof your home.
Poison control is available 24 hours a day: 1-800-222-1222 - keep this number handy in your cell phone and on your refrigerator.
At this visit we will:
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At 18 months, your child understands much more than he or she can say in words. Use words to describe your child’s feelings and gestures. Read and sing to your child often. When reading, use simple words to talk about the pictures.
At this visit we will:
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At this age, your 2 year old may start testing boundaries and asserting independence. You might starting hearing the word "No!" more often and experiencing temper tantrums. Although, it can be trying, allow them space to try things on their own and express their feelings.
At this visit we will:
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Welcome to the toddler years! One moment they seem so big and the next still very small. This is the "do-it-myself time." Be children might start to express interest in potty training.
At this visit we will:
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Your child will likely be moving into a world of make believe that they create with their imagination. Toys for dress up and make believe are important at this age. Read books, sing songs and play rhyming games with your child as often as you are able.
At this visit we will:
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Four year olds often like to sing, dance and act. They like to tell "tall tales" and make up stories. Kids will often start playing more interactive games with each other.
At this visit we will:
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At this age, your child needs more independence. However, you need to set clear limits. A regular bedtime and consistent bedtime routine are important. Show an interest and ask questions what they are learning.
At this visit we will:
Encourage good learning by helping your child develop healthy routines especially around homework and bedtime. Stay engaged and ask questions about their interests and activities.
At this visit we will:
Your child be is becoming more responsible and will be able to take on more tasks such as taking care of his/her own room or other chores. They likely will be invested in their activities and friend groups. We will start talking about body changes and puberty during your check-up.
At this visit we will:
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At this visit we will:
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During this pre-teen year, we provide the opportunity for your pre-teen to have at least a portion of this visit with the parent(s) out of the room, if desired. We value a pre-teen's need for confidentiality in certain circumstances, and we will alway's keep the health and wellbeing of your child as our first concern.
At this visit we will:
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of this visit with the parent(s) out of the room. We value a teenager's need for confidentiality in certain circumstances, and we will alway's keep the health and wellbeing of your child as our first concern.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of this visit with the parent(s) out of the room. We value a teenager's need for confidentiality in certain circumstances, and we will alway's keep the health and wellbeing of your child as our first concern.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of this visit with the parent(s) out of the room. We value a teenager's need for confidentiality in certain circumstances, and we will alway's keep the health and wellbeing of your child as our first concern.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of this visit with the parent(s) out of the room. We value a teenager's need for confidentiality in certain circumstances, and we will alway's keep the health and wellbeing of your child as our first concern.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of this visit with the parent(s) out of the room. We value a teenager's need for confidentiality in certain circumstances, and we will alway's keep the health and wellbeing of your child as our first concern.
At this visit we will:
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As a young adult patient, you may come by yourself to the visit - or, if you wish, you may bring one or more parents, or any other special guests you choose. Parents are always welcome, but the choice is yours!
At this visit we will:
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8:30AM - 12:00PM
Sunday: Closed