
  • Antibiotic Policy

    Our goal is to avoid overuse of antibiotics.

    We educate families on appropriate use of antibiotics, but follow evidence-based guidelines and don’t automatically treat every ear ache or green runny nose with antibiotics.

    We do not routinely prescribe antibiotics over the phone as we do not believe that is good medicine. We will prescribe an antibiotic when we believe it is an appropriate treatment for a bacterial infection (not a viral infection) that needs antibiotics. 

  • Appointment Policy

    Everyone's Time is Equally Valuable.

    We ask that you arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. We understand sometimes things happen beyond your control that may cause you to be late. However, we reserve the right to ask you to reschedule if you arrive late for your appointment.

    Our practice makes every effort to run on time with appointments, as we believe everyone’s time is equally valuable.

    Upcoming Appointments Via Phone/Text Message/Email

    Missed Appointments: Broken appointments represent a cost to us, to you, and to other patients who could have been seen in the time set aside for you. We reserve the right to charge a fee for canceled or missed appointments. We request 24 hours notice for cancellation of appointments.

    A fee may be charged for a second missed appointment. The third consecutive missed appointment will result in discharge from the practice.

    For new patients, a fee may be charged if the FIRST appointment is missed.

  • Financial Policy

    Click the button below to view our financial policy.

    Financial Policy
  • Privacy Policy HIPAA

    Click the button below to view our privacy policy.

    Privacy Policy
  • SMS Terms & Conditions

    Click the button below for our Terms & Conditions for SMS.

    SMS Terms & Conditions
  • Technology Policy

    Efficiency through the use of technology

    You will be encouraged to consult our website, register for and use our patient portal, and effectively use automated reminders for appointments and for routine care/immunizations that are due.

  • Vaccine Policy

    As medical professionals, we feel very strongly that vaccinating children on schedule with currently available vaccines is absolutely the right thing to do for all children and young adults. The recommended vaccines and the schedule of administration are the results of years and years of scientific study and data-gathering on millions of children by thousands of our brightest scientists and physicians. We are making you aware of these facts not to scare you or coerce you, but to emphasize the importance of vaccinating your child. We are always more than willing to discuss any questions you may have about vaccines or the administration schedule.

    • We firmly believe in the safety of our vaccines.
    • We firmly believe that all children and young adults should receive all of the recommended vaccines according to the schedule published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
    • We firmly believe, based on all available literature, evidence, and current studies, that vaccines do not cause autism or other developmental disabilities.
    • We firmly believe that vaccinating children and young adults may be the single most important health promoting intervention we perform as health care providers, and that you can support as parents/caregivers.
A child with oversized sunglasses is looking up at the sun
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